MichielVanderheyden ManagementFootball is nothing but a religion / Keep going / Boxeur Barbarade Staute Event & activationTo the point / A bit of a control freak / Aesthetics Frederik Rasschaert Event & activationIn the mix / Bergs & Cobbles / Blauw-zwart DriesMeert Event & activiationHandyman / Bourgondiër in hart en maag / Let’s ride BarbaraStevens StrategyHasse Simonsdochter / It’s a million little things / (Friendly) pitbull VictorSteemans CommunicationAlice in wonderland syndroom / Pimpelmees / Asimov AubryCornelis CopywritingPaarswit / Oblomov / Saloncoureur MikeDe Smet ManagementRatio / Dagobert / Sugar Addict AshleyGaleyn Brand managerNever not eating / Social Addict / Enthusiastic SofieAelterman Art DirectionSkin the cat / Persnickety / Chameleon ElienVerheye Social MediaBook lover / Social media maniac / Shoe addict ThomasCuelenaere VideoTomatenkweker / Magiër / Quizmaster Catoo De Schepper Incentives & EventsJolly / Catmom / Tourist in life Join the club?